
Chris Winberry

Jack of all trades, master of some

NYC, New York, US
+1 (201) ###-####


Veteran full stack software engineer conversant in many languages/technologies with extensive expertise in DevOps and enterprise-scale architecture.

  • Proven track record with a strong drive and ability to learn new technologies/methodologies and the experience to apply them effectively
  • Work history covering everything from startups to large enterprises using both FOSS and commercial/proprietary application stacks
  • Expertise in all layers of a web application stack as well as native application for desktop and mobile targets
  • Many years of experience implementing CI, automation, logging and metrics, and many other DevOps skills

Work Experience

  • Sr. Software Engineer / Co-founder (100% remote), OneMove, Inc.

    System architechture, DevOps, business data aggregation/analysis systems

    Stack: NodeJS, ExpressJS, Restify, C#, Postgresql, Redis, AngularJS, Bootstrap, LESS, AWS, Heroku

    • Automated pricing calculator and backend logistics which provided instant moving quotes, aggregate live service provider feeds, and provided realtime logistics information
    • Realtime self-service survey scheduling system
    • Mover's Suite integration with OneMove API
    • OneMove kiosk/portal application for clients and service providers
  • Technology Consultant / Proprietor, Tautologistics llc

    Providing consulting services for small and large organizations. Services include: planning and executing e-commerce solutions for 'brick and mortar' stores, troubleshooting hardware/network issues, analyzing and defining organization development processes, and modifying and debugging software systems

    • Built Christie's unified auction accounting and estimation system
    • Consultant for Nokia Research C3 team, working on development of next generation mobile applications and services
    • Author of the node HTML parser module
    • Re-architected PHP CMS that drives branding and marketing sites for organizations such as Nike, Toyota, and AARP
    • Provided on-site IT support for websites, stores, and warehouses for companies such as BasicBasic/Tee-Zone
  • Sr. Software Engineer / DevOps / Architect (100% remote), Moveline, Inc.

    In addition to software design and development, responsibilities include security, system architecture, DevOps, and improving development processes and developer culture

    Stack: Nginx, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Restify, Mongo, Postgresql, Redis, AngularJS, BackboneJS, Bootstrap, LESS, AWS, Heroku

    • Lead projects to consolidate configurations, establish better development processes, implement monitoring and reporting, and improve and consolidate logging and metrics
    • Designed the data driven logic engine that handles the workflow of moves from initial quote to completion
    • Lead development of an automated pricing calculator that provides instant moving quotes based on complex van line business models
  • VP Engineering / DevOps (100% remote), Wantworthy, Inc.

    Responsible for primary application, site reliability/perfomance monitoring, metrics and business analysis tools, and product data crawler

    Stack: Nginx, NodeJS, ExpressJS, DynamoDB, AngularJS, BackboneJS, PhantomJS, Bootstrap, AWS, Grunt, Redis

    • Developed a product indexer/scraper for discovering and updating product data from 1000s of e-commerce sites; work included data normalization, data classificationa and discovery, and image processing
    • Created a product admin tool to complement the indexer/scraper. Built using NodeJS, Express, and Express Resource to provide a REST API for an AngularJS webapp
    • Established a logging and metrics system that provided real-time log streaming, log searching, graphs, and system health notifications
    • Implemented the social features of the Wantworthy webapp, including a facebook friend finder with a scoring system for bringing one's closest friends to the forefront
  • Sr. Engineer (60% remote), Etsy, Inc.

    Part of the Storefronts team, providing tools and services to Etsy's legion of purveyors of all things handmade.

    Stack: PHP, Postgresql, MySQL, Ruby, Solr/Lucene, NodeJS

    • Rewrote the legacy Ruby on Rails currency conversion system in PHP in order to leverage all the Etsy libraries, the logging systems, and Etsy ops/monitoring
    • Proposed a client-side logging library that hooked into the existing backend log system. Wrote the initial code and then organized a group to review and improve the library. Once deployed, helped identify issues that users were experiencing that were not showing up with existing logging and metrics
    • For hack week, completely rewrote the log streaming tool (Supergrep) to remove browser memory leaks, improve data visualization, and add features including filtering, sorting, improved message parsing, and a global blacklist
    • Managed group that added shipping options for buyers and sellers. This included a reworking of many monolithic legacy pages into the current page architecture and integrating the shipping data into the orderpath system
    • Lead the development of the front end for the new credit card (CC) and gift card (GC) features
  • Manager, Services Architecture, BarnesandNoble.com

    Responsibilities included establishing processes for development/building/testing/deployment, diagnosing and treating critical failures, security holes, and performance issues, establishing standards for exposing data and business processes as web services, and working with security team to identify security flaws through system scans and code audits

    Stack: Windows Server, IIS, SQL Server, ASP.net, .Net/C#, Java, Oracle

    • Lead developer for the Nook SyncML service, a standards compliant sync service to synchronize digital and user-generated content between web, desktop, and mobile clients
    • Managed a team of 12 that designed and built the BN.com community site (my.barnesandnoble.com), which added social networking features to BN.com and replaced the legacy wish list, recommendations, ratings, and review systems
    • Technical lead on company's transition from VB6/COM codebase to .Net, including a switch to SOA to consolidate exposure of data and business logic to the web front end, parent company systems, and business partners
    • Established a department-wide build and test process at BN.com that included an automated build server, unit testing, code analysis, and deployment
    • Lead design and development of the digital book viewer, which includes a DRM/policy system, remote caching service, and back-end integration with external publisher services
    • Developed core .Net framework used department-wide. Framework covers configuration management, client data storage, content caching, encryption and key management, reporting/logging, and configurable logic engine
    • Designed and lead development of web services, which expose product data to both back-end systems and browser-based applications
  • Manager, Website Architecture, BarnesandNoble.com

    Responsibilities included defining development processes to improve the speed and quality of the development, testing, and deployment process, work with security team to identify holes in production and development code, and provide emergency support for critical production issues

    • Led code reviews and software optimization efforts. Largest project reduced search and product page server load by 45% and increased server stability
    • Developed guidelines and tools that improved the development and deployment process to allow 70% more deployments per quarter
    • Developed automated profiling toolset to analyze VB6, C++, .Net, and XSL
    • Member of architecture team that completely redesigned e-commerce system
    • Architected SCM and automated deployment system to manage developer workflow. Managed team of 2-4 developers to develop system and integrate with existing VSS repositories and Rational software. System reduced production deployment issues by 95%, deployment time by 85%, and development time by 20%
    • Architected new content caching system that supports live configuration health monitoring. Cache currently handles 1400MB of content in 20,000 projects and is 900% faster than the original cache
    • Performed security code audits and developed security tools and guidelines to bring company into PCI compliance
  • Website R&D Lead, BarnesandNoble.com

  • Content Engineer, BarnesandNoble.com

  • QA Analyst, BarnesandNoble.com


  • Currently learning
    Pandas Rust Haskell Electron
  • Front end
    HTML CSS Less Sass Jade React Redux AngularJS BackboneJS Marionette Chrome/Firefox extensions Cordova/PhoneGap Ionic Framework Bootstrap
  • Back end
    NodeJS ExpressJS Nginx Apache IIS EBS EC2 S3 SNS SQS .Net/ASP.net StatsD Graphite syslog Logstash Kibana Elasticsearch Varnish Memcached Gearman
  • Databases
    Postgresql PostGIS MySQL/MariaDB DynamoDB RDS RethinkDB Redis MongoDB Oracle
  • Languages
    Javascript TypeScript Coffeescript PHP C# SQL/PL-SQL XSLT/XPath/XSD JSONSchema Java Perl bash/zsh Ruby Python Swift
  • Tools
    Grunt Gulp Bower Browserify Webpack Mocha Chai Jasmine Sinon git svn upstart monit Netflix Asgard
  • Platforms
    AWS Heroku Vagrant Docker Azure AppEngine